Where is your software installed? Is version X still in use anywhere?
Partisci answers these questions by collecting updates from your programs and providing a REST API to access the data.
Partisci can answer these questions:
However, Partisci only knows about applications which send updates. Each application needs a small change to send these updates.
Some limitations:
Partisci accepts update updates via UDP and HTTP. Sending UDP updates is recommended. When UDP isn’t easy or possible, use HTTP (for example: network restrictions or browser based apps). Partisci requres each application to be modified to send these updates.
Updates contain:
Partisci also logs:
Where does the name come from?
partiscid is the server. For a quick test:
$ partiscid -v
2012/02/14 08:10:02 Starting.
2012/02/14 08:10:02 listening on:
This will start the server, listening on port 7777, using memory to store version updates.
partiscid also supports the following flags:
$ partiscid -help
Usage of partiscid:
-danger=false: enable dangerous commands for testing
-listenip="": listen only on this IP (defaults to all)
-port=7777: listening port (both UDP and HTTP server)
-sqlite="": use SQLite for persistence and store db at this path
-trim=0: keep Versons until this many seconds have passed, then discard
-v=false: log more details
The -trim option will remove references to any instances which have not sent a version update within the number of seconds specified by -trim.
partisci is a command line utility to communicate with partiscid.
The main command is update, which sends a single custom update message:
$ partisci update "Demo App A" 1.0 host1.example.com 0
command: UPDATE
partisci also supports the following flags:
$ partisci -help
Usage of partisci:
partisci update APP VERSION [[HOST] INSTANCE]
-port=7777: partiscid port
-server="localhost": partiscid address (IP or DNS name)
Partisci ships with clients for several languages.
The pypartisci module implements an simple client which supports updates via either UDP or HTTP. It does not support the full REST API.
The most applications should send updates via UDP:
import pypartisci
SERVER = "localhost"
PORT = 7777
APP = "Python UDP Example"
VER = "1.0"
if __name__ == "__main__":
pypartisci.send_udp(SERVER, PORT, APP, VER)
If an application needs to be sure a version update is recieved, HTTP is also supported. If the server is unreachable for any reason, this function will raise an exception:
import pypartisci
SERVER = "localhost"
PORT = 7777
APP = "Python UDP Example"
VER = "1.0"
if __name__ == "__main__":
pypartisci.send_http(SERVER, PORT, APP, VER)
Both functions also accept host and instance parameters:
send_update(SERVER, PORT, APP, VER, host, instance)
The PORT and instance variables should be integers, all others are strings.
The golang client supports sending updates via UDP:
package main
import (
func main() {
v := version.Version{App: "app", Ver: "1.2.3",
Host: "example.com", Instance: 0}
err := client.SendUDP("localhost", 7777, v)
if err != nil {
Partisci provides access to the data it collects via a REST API.
The REST API also inclues an update resource for situtaions where applications cannot update via UDP.
Partisci can answer the following questions:
All of the following urls are rooted at /api/v1/. Ex: app/ is at /api/v1/app/.
verb | path | description |
GET | app/ | distinct active applications |
GET | host/ | distinct active hosts |
GET | version/ | every A & H with their most recent version |
GET | version/?app_id=A | version for every H running A |
GET | version/?host=H | version for every A on host H |
GET | version/?app_id=A&host=H | version for app A on H |
GET | version/?app_id=A&ver=V | version for app A, version V |
POST | update/ | accepts a version update body |
GET | debug/vars | process statistics (memory use, etc) |
— | — | — only when running in -danger mode |
POST | _danger/clear/ | clear the entire version database |
— | — | — items below not implemented yet |
GET | / | overview |
A version update has the following JSON structure:
"app" : "Application Name",
"ver" : "1.2.3dev",
"host" : "hostname",
"instance" : 0,
app and ver are required. instance defaults to 0 and host will be inferred from the IP connection if not specified.
app, ver & host are limited to 50 unicode characters & instance is an integer 0-65535 (uint16).
When returned from Partisci, the following additional fields will be added:
"app_id" : "application_name"
"host_ip" : ""
"last_update" : 1327940599
Where host_ip is the IP address of the sending machine as seen by Partisci and last_update is a unix epoch time stamp, rounded to the nearest second. app_id is a simplified form of app for use in referring to the application in the REST API.
All version/ urls return a full version JSON object.
Clients should send update packets via UDP. Update packets are raw UTF8 encoded bytes containing the version JSON.
For clients which cannot use UDP, they can post the version JSON to the update/ URL.
Clients should send a version update at every start up. Long running processes should send an update at least once every 24 hours, but not more than every hour.
All response bodies are JSON objects.
The examples below assume Partisci is running on localhost, port 7777 (default).
The response contains a distinct list of all known application names, app_id, and last_update for any version of the app from any host.
$ curl 'http://localhost:7777/api/v1/app/' | python -m json.tool
"data": [
"app": "Demo App B",
"app_id": "demo_app_b",
"host_count": 2,
"last_update": 1331137064
"app": "Demo App A",
"app_id": "demo_app_a",
"host_count": 2,
"last_update": 1331137064
The response contains a distinct list of all known hosts and last_update for any version and any application.
$ curl 'http://localhost:7777/api/v1/host/' | python -m json.tool
"data": [
"app_count": 2,
"host": "host2.example.com",
"last_update": 1331137064
"app_count": 2,
"host": "host1.example.com",
"last_update": 1331137064
The response contains every app_id, host, ver combination known. Only the most recent version is saved for every app_id, host pair.
$ curl 'http://localhost:7777/api/v1/version/' | python -m json.tool
"data": [
"app": "Demo App A",
"app_id": "demo_app_a",
"host": "host1.example.com",
"host_ip": "::1",
"instance": 0,
"last_update": 1331137064,
"ver": "1.0"
"app": "Demo App B",
"app_id": "demo_app_b",
"host": "host2.example.com",
"host_ip": "::1",
"instance": 0,
"last_update": 1331137064,
"ver": "2.0"
"app": "Demo App B",
"app_id": "demo_app_b",
"host": "host1.example.com",
"host_ip": "::1",
"instance": 0,
"last_update": 1331137064,
"ver": "1.0"
"app": "Demo App A",
"app_id": "demo_app_a",
"host": "host2.example.com",
"host_ip": "::1",
"instance": 0,
"last_update": 1331137064,
"ver": "2.0"
app_id can be used as a parameter to filter the results.
$ curl 'http://localhost:7777/api/v1/version/?app_id=demo_app_a' | python -m json.tool
"data": [
"app": "Demo App A",
"app_id": "demo_app_a",
"host": "host1.example.com",
"host_ip": "::1",
"instance": 0,
"last_update": 1331137064,
"ver": "1.0"
"app": "Demo App A",
"app_id": "demo_app_a",
"host": "host2.example.com",
"host_ip": "::1",
"instance": 0,
"last_update": 1331137064,
"ver": "2.0"
ver can be added to see a specific app / ver combination. Useful to see which hosts are running a version which needs updating.
$ curl 'http://localhost:7777/api/v1/version/?app_id=demo_app_a&ver=1.0' | python -m json.tool
"data": [
"app": "Demo App A",
"app_id": "demo_app_a",
"host": "host1.example.com",
"host_ip": "::1",
"instance": 0,
"last_update": 1331137064,
"ver": "1.0"
host can be used as a parameter to filter the results. Either alone inventory all applications:
$ curl 'http://localhost:7777/api/v1/version/?host=host1.example.com' | python -m json.tool
"data": [
"app": "Demo App A",
"app_id": "demo_app_a",
"host": "host1.example.com",
"host_ip": "::1",
"instance": 0,
"last_update": 1331137064,
"ver": "1.0"
"app": "Demo App B",
"app_id": "demo_app_b",
"host": "host1.example.com",
"host_ip": "::1",
"instance": 0,
"last_update": 1331137064,
"ver": "1.0"
or for a specific application:
$ curl 'http://localhost:7777/api/v1/version/?app_id=demo_app_a&host=host1.example.com' | python -m json.tool
"data": [
"app": "Demo App A",
"app_id": "demo_app_a",
"host": "host1.example.com",
"host_ip": "::1",
"instance": 0,
"last_update": 1331137064,
"ver": "1.0"
Clients can POST a version update body to this url.
$ curl 'http://localhost:7777/api/v1/update/' --data '{"instance": 0, "host": "terminal.example.com", "ver": "1.0", "app": "updatenator"}'
$ curl 'http://localhost:7777/api/v1/version/?app_id=updatenator' | python -m json.tool
"data": [
"app": "updatenator",
"app_id": "updatenator",
"host": "terminal.example.com",
"host_ip": "::1",
"instance": 0,
"last_update": 1331137066,
"ver": "1.0"
All error results will be returned with an appropriate HTTP status code and a JSON document body in the following format:
"error" : "<ERROR MESSAGE>"
For example, an update missing keys: (curl -i also includes response headers in the output)
$ curl -i 'http://localhost:7777/api/v1/update/' --data '{}'
HTTP/1.1 415 Unsupported Media Type
Date: Wed, 07 Mar 2012 16:17:47 GMT
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
{"error":"ERROR: ApiUpdate: parsePacket:\n value for app & ver must be specified"}
Or attempting a GET on a POST only resource:
$ curl -i 'http://localhost:7777/api/v1/update/'
HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed
Date: Wed, 07 Mar 2012 16:17:47 GMT
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
{"error":"ERROR: ApiUpdate: only accepts POST requests"}
Partisci is written in Go (golang.org).
Unit and benchmark tests are written using the Go testing package and can be run from the root of the Partisci repository:
go test ./...
The REST API test suite is written in Python (python.org). Requirements:
Open a shell to the test directory and run:
$ py.test